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Schrödinger's cat is an old though-experiment, but it still gives physicists reason to think. In this video, I tell you about some experiments physicists have done to figure out just what is going on with the effect of quantum mechanics for large objects, and we'll discuss what it all means.
The article Tim Palmer and I wrote about Superdeterminism is here:
The paper about the entangled laser pulses is here:
The paper about the entangled bacteria is this:
And the response to it is here:
The one about Wigner's friends is here:
And the article mentioned at the very end is this one:
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#physics #science #education
0:00 Intro
0:24 Schrödinger's Experiment
2:20 Interpretations
4:49 Schrödinger's "Kitten"
6:00 Schrödinger's Bacteria
7:12 Wigner's Friend
9:39 What's Next?
10:09 Sponsor Message